San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

Standard-Times In Every West Texas Home" SAN ANGELO STANDARD-TIMES, SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1940 PAGE SEVEN- -SECTION TWO Joe Hunter Russells Of Menard Complimented At Easter Dance From high noon Friday 'til early Hunter Russell of Menard, newlyweds, The gay round of socials ended with Tavern with several hundred West as guests. The bride's mother, Mrs. dance and at a luncheon Friday noon. Sharp, entertained with a shower in at the St. Angelus Hotel.

Before her marriage March 3, Mrs. Russell was Miss Estelle Yates. She was a senior in the Ruth Colt School in San Antonio at the time. Mr. Russell is a son of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter W. Russell of Menard. The bride's table at the Tavern extended the entire length of the ballroom. A large wedding cake, topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom, centered the table and bowls of sweet peas were alternated with bowls of gladioli and fern.

The orchestra played a wedding march and guests at the table gave rhyming toasts to the couple. Miss Harriet Wood of Austin, student in the University of Texas, sang Promise Me" and "I Love You Miss Wood and Mrs. Russell were house mates for two years in the Ruth Colt School. The Easter theme was accented by a live Easter bunny carried around by Bill Pratt. The tragedy of the evening was losing the bunny dancers and diners were interrupted with an under the table search.

Songs were dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Russell and guests registered at a bride's book presented the couple by Mrs. L. C.

Goodwin and Hallie Goodwin. Among those at the bride's table were Mrs. Yates, Allison Yates, and Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, all of San An- POSITIOnS FOR GRADUATES Hundreds of unfilled employment calls nually prove the popularity of the associated Draughon Colleges with employers.

Eight free South -wide placement bureaus insure graduates wider employment contacts. Thousands of graduates now holding Send Name and Address important positions. mite This Ad Now for BOOKLET FREE Maughons BUSINESS COLLEGES Abilene, Dallas, Lobbock, Wichita Falls SHOE REPAIR Sorcial MON. TUESDAY and Leather HEEL LIFTS ATTACHED While You Wait! NOW YOU MAY HAVE YOUR CREPE SOLE SHOES REPAIRED WITH CREPE HALF SOLES AND HEELS ONLY OF FOR BOTH SOLES HEELS SHOES MADE WE FEATURE LONGER INVISIBLE OR WIDER SOLING SHOE REPAIRING DEP'T McLELLAN'S 5e to $1 Store 125 S. Chad.

Saturday morn Mr. and Mrs. Joe were complimented with parties. dance Friday night at the Goodwin tr Texans and San Angeloans included Ruby E. Yates, was hostess at the Mrs.

Russell's sister, Mrs. Bob H. the afternoon in the Virginian Room gelo; Mr. and Mrs. Walter W.

Russell and daughter, Marjorie, parents and sister of the bridegroom; Mrs. Emma Grandstaff, his grandmother; Mr. and 1 Mrs. Tom Russell, his uncle and aunt, all of Menard; and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Dub White, Mason; John King and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gainer, Menard; Mr. and Mrs. AI P.

Groebl, Spring; Mr. Mrs. Walker White, Mason: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stengel, Mr.

and Mrs. George Grandstaff, and Mr. and Mrs. George J. Stengel, all of Ballinger; J.

T. Davis, Sterling City; Dorsey B. Hardeman, Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal Dendy, Miss Bera Cook, Carl Brumbelow, Mrs.

Ethel Jackson, Clay Mann, and W. B. Wilson, all of San Angelo. Other dancers included Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Gainer, Miss Laura Gainer, Blackie Williamson, Roy and Mary Evelyn Treadway, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Benchoff, Sam Hollingsworth, Al Waddell, Wayne Allison.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sutton.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wilkerson, Miss Lucy Mae Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mears, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Ellis. All McGee, H. H. Mears, Lewis, Boots Neel, Frederick Neel, Lynell Ellis, Louis Wheelis, Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Smith, Freeman Smith, Lahoma Green, and Veda Marie Ford, all of Menard; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spiller of Sonora, Mrs. Grayton Crosby of Eldorado, Emmett Pfluger of Eden, Col quitt of Ozona, Mayor Wendell Sho Mayes of Brownwood, C.

E. Sawyer of Breckenridge, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lewis of Sanatorium, Grace Cantrell of Austin, Sonny Callison, Beth and Dick Smith, Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. White, Texas Carter, Sheridan Cavitt, Bobbie Minor, Coleman P. Callaway, Beryle Jeanne Elliott, Harris Smith, Annette Smith, Derwood Caldwell, N. M.

March, C. D. Elwell, Gwendolyn Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Coulter, John Davenport, Bud Ellis, Leah Hartwell, Helen Schneemann.

Junie Harris, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jay Garrett, Margaret Schuch, "Speck" Childs, Ross Lake, Stratton Beesley, James Stockton, Toby Roberts, Mayfair Jones. Harmon Price, Vesta Chenoweth, E.

L. Coggin, Frank Box, Bettye Presley, Tommy Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.

Seeligson, H. K. Hinde. Jean Moroney of Dallas. Mr.

and Mrs. R. R. Petit, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter W. Tucker, Wanda Lee Matteson of Eldorado. Allen Fulghum, Virginia McBurnett, Jean Connor. Tommy Quick, Jr. Bill Quick, Hymie Stroman, "Bettie Bailey, Norman Elrod, Ann Thomson.

Wade Beesley, Mary Virginia Bowles of Dallas, Jim Webster, Nadine Parish, Ollie Lou Tippett, Charles Weldon, Craddock Ulmer, Tomasine Stanley, Bill Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Covington, Janet Akin, Louise Renfro, Fred Sandlin, Gilmore Pfluger, Jack Wood, Ila Virginia Womble, Shampoo, Set and Dry 25c Permanents $1.00 up Alice Buford, Claudia Operators: Mae Weatherford Itha Mae Williams BEAUTY MAIN SHOP 8 North Main Dial 3931-1 STOP! Your Valuable FURS Need Protection Store your valuable Furs now in the Troy's temperature-controlled dry-cold fur storage vault! Don't delay- call today! The Troy Trunk TROY 1 For Months Your Winter Storage $1 Plus Cleaning and Woolens For Only Pressing Laundry--Dry Cleaning Bonded Fur Cold Storage 217 West Beauregard Dial 3198 SUNSET MOTOR LINES 315 N.

Chadbourne St. Dedicated to the Development of San Angelo and West Texas Providing overnight service to and from SAN ANGELO and Houston San Antonio Austin Dallas-Ft. Worth, Lubbock, El Paso Let Us Solve Your Transportation Problems Dial 6705 (Ila Virginia Womble Cotton Ball duch*ess Ila Virginia Womble, senior in S. A. H.

has been named duch*ess to the annual Cotton College Station. The event is scheduled for April 19. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos W.

Womble. A committee from the San Angelo A. M. Mothers' Club submitted a list of eight girls, eligible for. the honor, to the San Angelo Club at A.

M. The Aggies selected Miss Womble, sister of Aggie Amos Womble, a sophom*ore. Fred Sandlin heads the campus club. Don Bowen is first president: Ayco*ck is secretary, and Bill Quick is reporter. MRS.

LAGLE TO PASS BIRTHDAY Arriving tomorrow to be with their mother, Mrs. Carolyn Lagle, on her 88th birthday anniversary which occurs Tuesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Len Lagle will be Dr. and Mrs.

R. L. Knolle Seguin and Mrs. G. B.

Finley of Corpus Christi. The Len Lagles will be hosts at a guests will be Carolyn Lagle's dinner party Tuesday, night. Other son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G.

W. Prinzing of Miles. Guests the Lagles Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kothmann and son, William, of Mason.

Mr. Kothmann is a nephew of Mrs. Carolyn Lagle. Sparkman Family To Gather Today Mrs. C.

A. Jackett of Chicago is here for a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. F. C. Sparkman.

She had been in Cleburne to attend the funeral of her brother, C. a Leaton, and Mrs. Sparkman's son, E. H. Sparkman, who teaches at Baylor, brought with him when he came for the week end.

A family gathering is to be held today by Sparkmans. Expected are Mrs. Sparkman's sons and their families, Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Sparkman of Sterling City and Mr. and Mrs. C. M.

Sparkman, daughters, Peggy Jean and Beth, and son, Clarence, from of Garden City. Mrs. Sparkman's daughters and son, Mrs. J. S.

Murray, Mrs. Fred Warren, and F. A. Sparkman, and their familles of San Angelo will also be present. E.

E. Sparkman of Ozona, her only other child, may also attend. Sunny Smile Class Given Easter Party en Mrs. entertained Frank the Sunny McSpadden, Smile teacher, Class of the Bethel Methodist Church with an Easter egg hunt yesterday afternoon in the John H. Reagan School park.

Easter favors were presented the group, and pictures were made. About 16 attended. Dallas Visitors Here Easter holiday guests of Mrs. Ella Punk are Mrs. E.

C. McCarnes and her granddaughter, Ann McCarnes, of Dallas. Irene Mize And Louie McGlothing To Marry Today; To Live In Big Spring The marriage of Miss Irene Mize and Louie McGlothing of Big Spring is to take place at 3 p. m. today in the home of Mr.

McGlothing's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McGlothing, 19 North Oakes.

The Rev. L. U. Spellmann, pastor of the First Methodist Church, is to read the double ring ceremony in the presence of friends and relatives of the couple. Mrs.

J. J. Hill of Galveston is to be matron of honor for her sister, and Mr. McGlothing is to be attended by Dan Scott of Big Spring. Miss Mize has chosen a rose frock with beige accessories for her wedding.

and corsage will be of orchids. The couple will leave after the ceremony for a short wedding trip. Mr. McGlothing attended San Angelo High School and Abilene Christian College and is now with the Builders' Supply Co. in Big Spring, where the couple is to be at home.

Zocahs Entertain With Tea, Dance About 73 young folks were ineluded when Knights of Zocah entertained with an informal teadance from 2 to 5 p. m. Saturday in the Crystal Ballroom at the Hotel Cactus. The affair was to honor ex-Zocahs, who are home from college for the Easter holidays. The tea table was at one end of the ballroom, and hosts took turn about serving punch and cookies.

Music was by a nickelodeon. Saturday night the Zocahs and their dates reserved a table at the Goodwin Tavern for more dancing. MARS. WILSON HOSTESS TO FRIENDLY FEW CLUB It was closed club Friday afternoon when Mrs. Robert Wilson was nostess to the Friendly Few at fortytwo in her home, 907 Tarver.

Mrs. C. A. Bradford won the high score award with second score trophy going to Mrs. O.

W. Barker. Pansies were decoration, and the hostess served refreshments after the games. INITIATION SERVICE TO BE HELD BY O.E.S. An initiation is to be held and Mrs.

Carl Carr and Bruce Havens, worthy matron and patron, will pre side in the east when Concho Chap ter No. 826. Order of Eastern Star, meets at 7:30 p. m. Monday at the Masonic Temple.

TO HOLD BUSINESS MEET The American Legion Auxiliary is to meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Legion Hut for business session. Mrs. C. M.

Kenley, president, will be in charge. Abilene Visitors Here Mrs. Willie Martin has as her guests for the week end her son law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan T.

Ellis, and her nephew, Ralph Anderson, from Abilene. Mary Eleanor Scott, Juanita McElhaney, Edgar Koon, and Hudson Russell were guests at Viola Beth Hearn's ranch near Ben Ficklin the other day. KODAK FILMS Developed and ed. Limit 8 ART STUDIO 16 E. Beauregard Dial 3003-2 PRICE RADIO SERVICE Refrigeration Service 33 N.

Chadbourne Dial 3281 a APPEARING in "The Cradle Song." two- act comedy by G. Martinez Sierra, to be given at 8 p. m. Friday in the San Angelo Auditorium, are seven of the Coterie Players pictured College, the top picture, left to right, are Claudia White, Betty Cooper, and Ina Tatum; and in the lower are Ila Virginia Womble, Barbara Holland, Vesta Chenoweth, and Martha Gill. Gladys de Silva Bates is directing the cast of 11 players.

The Santa Rita Mothers' Club is sponsoring the play, and sixth grade pupils of the school will furnish music between the acts. Bill Humlong, J. M. Huling, John Scott Harris, Peggy McDaniel, G. E.

Franki, Guy Burton, Hudson Russell, Chris Bierwirth, Eve Fields, Earline Reed. Herman Bierwirth, Alien Williams, Ella Marie Daviss, Amos Womble, Florence Fannin, George Whittet of Washington. D. Jo Lu Barnett, Searcy P. Smith, Pat Talbot, Dorothy Hall.

Billy Jack May, Gilbert Cox, Charles Gibbs, Ted Fannin, Douglas Bryant, Anita Evans. Maxine Tweedle. Joe Burt, Sam Perkins, Lucille Hooks, Philip Evans, J. W. Rice, Mr.

and Mrs. Gordon say, Dr. and Mrs. Capshaw, Koonce, Jane Stein, Malcolm, RamErma Melton, Dennis Rose. Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Drake, Phyllis Bowen, George Pappas, Alberta Cheaney, Carlene Cromwell, Tommie Vaughn, Jim Thomason. Reginald Cook, Marcene Billingsley, Robert E. Benton, H. Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence B. Ligon, Mr. and Mrs. Walker White.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Davis.

Paula Grimes. Marvin Corder, Betty Grace Vehle, Mr. Mrs. Willard Deaton, Bill Pratt. Jock Jones, March, James Burke, Weather by, H.

C. Jack Edwin Fuller, Bill Hemphill, "Strawberry" Moncrief, Jack Ayco*ck, Sarah Frances Jones. Fred Rodway, Alyce Schuch, Walter Bean, Virginia Duncan, P. McMinn, Polly Roe of Robert Lee, Lawrence Bledsoe, Freddie Roe Robert Lee. Martha Gill, Bob Armstrong, Josephine Butt.

Stanley Fulcher, Virginia Carter, T. D. Bledsoe, Ruth Stein, Bean, Clovis Brakehill. Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Pfluger, Eden; Lucy Lee Cox. Blackstone, Bill Schwartz. Mary Maverick of San Antonio, L. T. Moore, 3rd, Imogene Presley, J.

Reynolds, Florence Scheuber, Nelda Parish, Buddy Haydon, Margaret Humlong. Bobby Mansfield. Elsie enport, Kirby, Sara Yaggy, LoBoehme, Nell DeLaney, 1 Tommy Davvell Kilpatrick, Gene Bowen, Ora Watkin Cross, Mr. and Mrs. J.

B. Glenn, Jack Myers, Millard Jones, Bascom Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. C. Otis Reed.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carr, Mr. and Mrs. J.

P. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wilkinson, Maurice Kleinman, Gibbs Beazley, Courtney Neeb, Louise Johnson of Austin, Dr.

William Jackson, Mitchell Goren, Harriet Wood, Paul Hemphill, Margaret Biggs, John Webb Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Evans, Mrs.

Maymie H. Newberry, Willie Mae Murchisen, French, Henry Myers, Lillian sheppard, C. T. Ducote, Herbert Bullock, Joe Lemley, Bob Wooldridge, Travis Henderson, 1. "Snookie" Garrett, Bill Shipman, Frances Mae Beam, Fayrene Dodson.

Paul Graham, Glenn Jenkins, John Davenport, Dennis B. Patton, Douglas Renner, Weston Cox, Walter L. Simpson, John Jones. James Gardner, Gwen Swindel, Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Wilkinson, Harvey Hartgrove. Bevie DeMoville. C.

M. DuH. C. Noelke, Gerald Fairbanks. Sibyl Cook.

Allen Hood, Ledvard Harris, Archie Crews. Jenelle Barron, Robert Wyatt, and Victor Brandenberger of Dallas. Afternoon Party Mrs. Sharp entertained a few of Mrs. Russell's friends at the party at the St.

Angelus Hotel. gladioli and fern decorated the tables. and the wedding theme was carried out with miniature brides and bridegrooms. Miss Texas Carter presided at the guest register, and cake and ice cream were served. Miss Wood sang Mrs.

J. B. Glenn, Jr. Miss Cook Miss Bera Cook. La Wanna Sells.

gave two readings, "Before and Aftpupil of Ora Watkins Cross, did an "Remembrance" accompanied by acrobatic dance. accompanied by er Marriage." and "Home." Mrs. Frank Gainer of Menard sang. and Mrs. Al P.

Groebi and Miss Cook plaved piano selections. The honoree received gifts from Mrs. Lillian Allison, Mrs. E. M.

Gray, Mrs. E. H. Coulter of Eldorado. Cox-Rushing-Greer Co.

Hemphill-Wells. Miss Ruth Sheffield, Miss Loucile Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nagle of Colorado. Mrs.

Bob Windham. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

Dees of Vineyard, Dr. and Mrs. James P. Anderson. of Brady, Allison Yates.

F. M. White of Mason, Dorsey B. Hardeman, Mr. Mrs.

Herschel P. Upton, John Lattimore of Menard, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walling and daughter, Mrs. Gay Copeland, Dr.

and Mrs. J. S. Anderson of Brady, Mr. and Mrs.

J. C. Landon, Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Noelke of Sheffield.

Mrs. H. F. Moore, Mrs. "Pewee" Barton, Miss Alma Johnson.

Mrs. Herbert O'Bannon, Mrs. Harve B. Earnest, Mrs. Julian Earnest.

Miss Mary Lou Earnest. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Groebl of Midland. Mr.

and Mrs. E. H. Schuch, Albert Linz of Dallas. "Speedy" Fulton.

Paul Hemphill, Mrs. Al P. Groebl; Kansas Visitor Here MISS IRENE MIZE Mrs. Nathan Brown of Wichita, arrived Friday to spend Easter with Mrs. Nellie C.

Wilder, 406 West Avenue C. The visitor is the former Miss Cleo Fryer of San Angelo. SPRING SPECIALS 7.50 Machineless 3.50 Fitch Oil Shampoo and Scalp Shampoo, Set and Dry VANITY Shop Beauty Dial 5744-3 724 S. Oakes For Complete Satisfaction All the Time-USE MRS. NORMAN'S "Veri-Best" BREADS This Week TryThin-Sliced Club Loaf -33 Slices Cracked Wheat -Wheat and Honey Flavored AT YOUR GROCER'S Made By Mrs.

Norman's Bakery 27 E. Concho Dial 5404 Miss Marjorie Russell, Mrs. T. R. Russell, Mrs.

W. W. Russell, Mrs. E. Grandstaff, Mrs.

George Grandstaff, Mrs. Otto Ellis, and Mrs. Frank Gainer, all of Menard; Mrs. J. W.

White, of Mason, Mrs. George Grandstaff, of Ballinger, Mrs. C. C. Cook, Mrs.

Howard Fox, Mrs. Raymond Covington, Mrs. George Covington, Mrs. O'Neal Dendy, Mrs. Dean Chenoweth, and Misses Sarah Frances and Mayfair Jones.

Roseltha Smith, Carter, Louise Renfro, Sells, Margaret Schuch, Bobbie Minor, Bettye Presley, Wood, Imogene Presley, Margaret Sneed, Wanda Lee Mattieson, Virginia Duncan, Bera Cook, Mrs. J. R. Kendal, Mrs. Cross, Mrs.

Glenn, Mrs. R. C. Williams, Mrs. A.

Earl Breedlove, Mrs. R. R. Petit, Mrs. Ethel Jackson, and Mrs.

Yates. Purple and white tulips were table decorations for the luncheon given at the Yates home, 123 North Jackson. Covers were laid for members of both families. NANCY LEMAY HAS AFTERNOON PARTY Nancy LeMay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

J. Paul LeMay, was hostess to a group of children at an Easter Egg hunt and play party yesterday afternoon at her home, 820 Wichita St. After the search for the eggs, refreshments were served. Ice cream was molded into pink bunnies and placed on nests of green coconut. The cakes were topped with tiny yellow chicks.

The children spent the rest of the afternoon in the swings, riding the wooden bucking horse, and the merry see saw. Guests Patricians candy Billy McManus, and Marcus Young. Stella and Edward Bolding, Buzz and Jody Mills, Johnny Anderson, Joan Chandler, Marilyn Jackson, Sandra Walker, and Tommy Baker. MISSION INTERMEDIATES HONORED AT EGG HUNT Intermediates of the Immanuel Baptist Lake View Mission had an Easter egg hunt Friday afternoon on the North Concho about 10 miles from town. Present were Kathleen Thomas.

Tommie Lou Duran, Imogene and John Cole, Poteet, Billy Austin, 'Crystal Tatum, Sammy Clark, Henry and Duckworth, class members; Mrs. J. H. Monk, teacher; and Mrs. Billy Austin, Wanda Lee Austin, Mary Ola Poynor, Mrs.

T. O. Monk, Charles Monk, and Barbara Ann Monk, visitors. MUSIC GROUP TO NAME CONVENTION DELEGATE A delegate to state convention is to be elected and program plans for next year will be discussed when the Philharmonic Society meets for business at 9:30 a. m.

Wednesday at the Hotel Cactus. Mrs. Shell Barth, president, will conduct the session. and Mrs. A.

K. Hall is to give musical current events. RECITAL TO BE APRIL 1 Mrs. Will R. Ede, teacher of voice, is to present Arthur Heard and Curtis Fletcher in recital at 8:15 p.

m. April 1 in the Crystal Ballroom of the Hotel Cactus. For Draperies Carpets Rug Cleaning See. Sanitary Rug Cleaners 1819 Pulliam Phone 3979-3 Many Cases have come TO US AFTER. All other methods had failed.

And we still got results on them. We get at the cause of disease because we want toGET RESULTS! Dr. Roy Crowder Chiropractic Masseur Western Reserve Building Dial 3582 Residence 3854-4 Are Your Sport Clothes Ready? Don't wait too long to have them cleaned you'll be needing them soon for Sunday afternoons, picnics, and outings. Bring them 1 in tomorrow and be ready! PALACE DRY CLEANERS 16 North Chadbourne Dial 3424 Modern Distinctive Photographs Allen Portraits Studio Photography San Angelo's Leading Photographer Since 1916 Enlarging, Coloring Dial 3726 on Velox 8. Chadbourne FOR SPRING AND ALL OF 1940-IT'S COLOR.

IN THE LIVING ROOM! See Our New Arrivals Tomorrow -in Spring's Newest Pastel Colors! KROEHLER Is This Your Protection KROENLER 1940 KIDNEY DESIGN A magnificent suite and at this price a wonderful buy. You may select your own covering fabrics springs, from rich carvings large EASY genuine assortment. BUDGET Kroehler Deep con- soft PAYMENTS 12950 struction throughout. EXACTLY AS Nationally Advertised! Other Kroehler Suites as Low as $69.50 I Select YOUR our the Living KROEHLER SELECTOR EXACT Room Color COLOR with for SHEPPERSON'S "Your Credit Is Good".

San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.