San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

TWO- SECTION TWO SAN ANGELO Valentines Of '32 Say "I Love You" (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) well as love is recognized as sufficent reason for sending a valentine. Some of the friendship, valentines are cross-stitch designs, others are line-drawings with cute little verses. Leap year valentines abound. Instead of over-doing it, however, the figures usually are in modern dress and they are funny, not pathetic. Girls men with butterfly nets, rods and automobile catching, bumpers g've a line on the light touches of Depression valentines are be expected this year.

And there are many varieties of them, always kidding the situation a little 'bit, such as one that pictures a couple sitting on a heart that wears a lot of. patches, and carries a line about STOPS ly. The first application will bring you much comfort and ease. Try TRIAL SIZE them today. Remember the name.

Just FREE say Pyramid SupposMail itories to any drugCoupes gist; 60 cents. Pain and Itching From Piles! Don't put up with painful piles another day- or hour. There is positive relief, very often, for the very worst case. Pyramid suppositories are designed to stop the pain-and even all itching. Relief comes quick- PYRAMID DRUG CO.

Pyramid Maraball, Mich. Please send me a FREE trial box of Pyramid suppositories. haying. nothing to offer except "a heluva lot of love." Being leap- year, cats figure more largely 1 than dogs! in many valentine decorations. There are all kinds of cats pictured, from silky Persian puss*es to alley cats.

Moreover, the leap year motif shows itself in some of the cards picturing a girl carrying 3 ring with a diamond ling all ready for the man to slip it on her finger without having to buy it. The Red Menace! One of the cutest cards which shows the Russian influence is 8 Muscovite Dan Cupid holding 8 heart-shaped bomb, with the threat "Ya better be my Valentinesky before I see Redsky!" Some of the new valentines reflect this modern age of ours by using metallic papers, silver, gold, bronze. Others are extremely simpie parchment with inscriptions, still others have white background with pastel colors. Pale rose, ap. ricot, turquoise blue and yellow tones predominate and few are real turkey red as they used to be.

Envelopes this year are plain white, instead of matching the decorations as they did last year. This return to simplicity high lights the dainty decorations and the amusing bon mot. And strangely enough, simple white seems to make the sentimentality of 1932 more real. Mrs. Lee Convalescing Mrs.

Brown F. Lee is convaleseing at her home, 414 West Twohig. With Mayor Lee, she returned the middle of the week from Temple where she had been for more than a month, a patient in the King's Daughters Hospital. She underwent a major operation. Mrs.

Fred W. Axtell and children will leave tomorrow for Fort Worth, their form home. Mr. Axtell is remaining here for a while. Mrs.

Axtell will be at the country home, near Lake Worth. She was the honoree at a party given. Wednesday by Mrs. I. J.

Curtsinger again on Thursday when Mr. and Mrs. Percy Edwards entertained. Mr. and Mrs.

Carter Dalton and their house guest, Mrs. Kate. Sargent of Boston, are spending the week -end in Piedras Negras, Mexico, This is Mrs. Sargent's first visit to Mexico. KILLING HEADACHES Millions of people who suffer from aches are chiefly interested in killing those headaches by taking drugs, which only serve to deaden the pain.

They fail to realize that headaches -in themseives -are only Nature's warning. A wide variety of ab normal conditions leads to headaches- -accumulation of poison in the body, digestive disturbance, female disorder and a Jong list of other conditions might be blamed. If you suffer from headaches, the important thing for you to do is to discover the cause and having discovered the cause have it removed. Chiropractic is the one profession among the healing arts that deals with the removal af If your headaches are coming from digestive disorder, or some other disthe Chiropractor will seek to correct the cause of that dis. order.

When this cause has been corrected the headaches will disappear as a natural consequence, and it will not disappear until then. Every time you kill a headache you simply blow out the red Jantern of warning and blindly run your health train into unknown tracks of hazard, trusting to chance that providence will see you through once more. It Pays to See a Reputable Chiropracter ROY CROWDER, Chiropractor D. C. Ph.

C. Sun Angelo, Texas PLANS COMPLETE FOR D. A. TEA Completion of plans, for the tea to be given February 22 occupied the attention of 33. members of the Pocahontas Chapter of the Daughters.

of the American Revolution during the business session held yesterday at the home of Mrs. Howard B. Cox. The entertainment will be in celebration of the Washington bicentennial and will be given at the home of Mrs. Ciint Johnson.

It is to be complimentary to the public. This year the chapter will forego the annual benefit party. Miss Mary Bain Spence, as leader of the program, gave a short sketch of Winston Churchill's life, following that with a resume of his book, Crisis." Mrs. Walter Monger gave dramatization of the chapter. "The Man of Sorrow." Assisting Mrs.

Cox as hostesses during the tea hour were- Mrs. W. O. Alexander of Eldorado: Mrs. L.

O. Nimitz and Mrs. C. V. Holland.

No WCTU Members: Of Angelo To Dallas Meet The San organization of the Women's Christian Temperance will not be represented at the regional conference of the national association to be held in Dallas February 12. and 13, Mrs. W. M. Whitfield, former president, said yesterday.

The local group has been inactive for several months but effects are to be made later in the spring for the revival of activities here. Mrs. Whitfield has resigned her office but the women here who are inter. ested are keeping touch with affairs through correspondence. The object conference is "to promote law observance: to study the problems of law enforcement, and to make vocal the sentiment in favor of national prohibition." Tico Women's Annodical Mrs.

Fred S. Rogers left Friday night for Dallas to attend the Women's executive meeting of the Synodical, U.S. A. The purpose is to outline plans for the new church year which begins April 1. The meeting is being held in the City Temple Presbyterian Church.

Mrs. Rogers is secretary of Young People for Texas. Art Club Will Meet The San Art Club will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. George Allen, 413 West Twohig, Plans for the annual exhibit of the work of the members will be discussed. Church Class To Meet The Owen Class of the First Presbyterian Church will meet at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon in the Big Brothers class room at the church.

All members are urged to be present and they are asked to take their sewing. Auxiliary To Meet The American Legion Auxiliary will meet in regular business session Monday evening at 7:30 clock in the Jacobean room of the Hilton Hotel. All members and women who are eligible for membership are urged to be present. Mrs. W.

R. Bissett and son, Bob, returned to the ranch, pear Barnhart, the middle of the week, having been visiting here with Mrs. Bissett's sister, Mrs. Carr Hudgens. Mr.

Bissett and his father. Robert W. Binsett, have returned from Hot Springs, N. where they went to attend the funeral of W. R.

Bissett's maternal grandmother. Miss Frances Hughes went to Dal1a5 Friday for a short visit. She will return tonight with Miss Susan Cowden who has been there for week. Her "Night Out" Brings Divorce Mrs. Treva Hostetler, 31, (right), of Midvale, refused to tell her husband where she went after attending meetings of the village's "Our Night club of married women, so he sued for divorce.

Mrs. Hostetler is shown here leaving court her father. A. To Meet Methods of assisting their children in school, especially at the end of terms, will be studied by momof the study circle of the Fort Concho Parent Teacher Association at the meeting to be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the school. Mrs.

Whitfield Compton will have charge of the hour's study. Silver Tea Is Planned Final arrangements are being made for the silver tea to be given Friday afternoon from 3 until 6 o'clock by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Harris Avenue Presbyterian Church. A musical program will be given. The entertainment will be open to the public. Mrs.

Harris Operated On Mrs. Wayne Harris was resting nicely yesterday at the San Angelo Hospital. She underwent a major operation there yesterday morning. She has been ill for several months. Miss Velma Wood and Miss Edith Bellows are spending the week -end in Mason, Miss.

Wood with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. S.

Wood and Miss Bellows with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Otis Reed is the week end house guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Wood. A. M. students at home for the week end, between semesters, are: Reese Albert, son of Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Albert; J. C.

Oliver, Jr. George Bond, Jack Lair, son of A. L. Lair, and Charlie Hall of Eden, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Hall. Mrs. Howell Duncan of New York City will arrive Tuesday to spend several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Johnson.

They will motor to Abilene to meet her. Mrs. Frank Neilon went to the ranch. near Mertzon, yesterday afternoon to spend several weeks. She was accompanied by Misses Mortne Autry and Frances Willig who are spending the week end there.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Reavis are spending the week end in Texon with Mrs.

O. Norwood, a sister of Mrs. Reavis. John Vaught of Austin is the week-end guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Barton. Jackie Johnson will leave Monday to spend several days in Austin. Taking The Guesswork Out Of The Weather Even experienced government weather forecasters cannot tell what the weather will be on any given day week or more in advance. And unless there is an extreme temperature or some other feature to fix it in our memory, few of us can remember what the temperature was a week or a month ago. The winter will have many more days than one usually recalls when some heat is required.

Heating engineers, however, cannot guess. They must know. They have studied official United States Bureau temperature records for many years. They have found that the number of days when Weather heat is required averages just about the same each winter. There is surprisingly little difference in the amount fuel required by a "cold" winter and a "mild" winter.

These averages show that one will, ordiof narily, use one-fourth of one's winter fuel during December. Our engineers know tha: December weather in Angelo actually required 26.04 per cent of the total year's fuel. The figures for January will be San available shortly. Call at our office; we will be glad to show them to you. Another thing.

"Mild" winters are apt to be fuel wasters. Fires are turned up full blast on a cool morning. The outside temperature slides up and before one knows it, the home or office is "too hot." Then are turned down or off, windows raised, and a lot of good heat is wasted. When' one is fires thermometer can very easily go to 80 degrees, instead of the healthful 70, without auybody realizing it. busy, the One of the advantages of "Modernized Heating" is the automatic temperature control that prevents such waste when of fuel less heat through "overheating." There is a thermostat that never forgets to cut down the fuel supply is needed.

Which means economy in the use of fuel. A Payne Floor Furnace will not will only end take the "sweating" guesswork out of heating but a lot of other objectionable items as well. A Payne walls and windows, prevent "stuffiness" and remove the danger of the open flame. We furnace are due some more cold weather this winter. Why not enjoy it? Gas Ranges, Water Heaters, and Furnaces Now Reduced one-Fifth to One-Half in Price! TEXAS PUBLIC SERVICE CO.

Dial 6731 13 East Twohig SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1932 West Texas Home Standard- Times In Every MRS. BEAVERS IS BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. Earl Beavers gave a cleverly appointed bridge party vesterday afternoon at the residence, 619 North Van Buren, employing the ides throughout the decorations and in counting the scores. A profusion of balloons decorated the rooms, the tallies were shaped like dumbbells "Fool's was the name given the supper plate. Mrs.

Beavers war assisted in serving by Miss Jane Loring Stein. In the games, the high score prize was won by Mrs. H. L. George, while that for second high went to.

Mrs. A. W. Stein. The cut trophy was won by Mrs.

W. Holland. Guests for the affair included: Mrs. S. Jester Roach, Mrs.

C. R. Venable, Mrs. Clyde V. Bays, Mrs.

D. J. Callaway, Mrs. W. H.

Ferguson, Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs. M. Curry, Mrs. George Bond, Miss Millie Roach of Rising Star, Mrs.

R. E. Glass, Mrs. W. S.

Thomson, Mrs. Norman Mcnu*tt, Mrs. A. W. Stein, Mrs.

O. B. Fields Jr. Mrs. H.

L. George, Mrs. W. M. Holland, Mrs.

O. D. Harrison, Mrs. Ralph Oberholtzer, Mrs. E.

C. Gunter and Mrs. B. W. Wynn.

Endeavor Society Holds Church Mission Party The Intermediate Christian deavor Society of the First Presbyterian Church had a missionary party Friday, evening in the church parlors. of the different mission fields were played besides a number of games which were used to acquaint the members better with Presbyterian mission fields and missionaries. The young people took a penny a year for their age to give to the missions. Refreshments were served to the following: Mary Gene Erwin, Rondola Davis, Maxine Donahoe, Margaret Trail, Virginia and Dorothy Jane Jones, Frances Schuch, Mildred Erwin, Mary Alice Hass, Anna Edmond Helbing, Roger Gerber, Lloyd Davis, Wood, Carl Oberholtzer, John Covington, James Stroman, Maurice Bond. Misses Mary Erwin and Dovie Dee Dennison assisted Miss Lucille Russell as hostesses.

Mrs. L. W. Large Hostess Mrs. L.

W. Large gave a party Friday night at the residence, 303 East Third Street, honoring Mr. Large and Miss Mitta Eledge on their birthday anniversaries. The group was entertained with bridge and dancing. Refreshments were served to the following: Mr.

and Mrs. O. W. Rymer, Mr. and Mrs.

F. Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hobough, Mrs.

Garland Galbreath, Misses Bertha Joiner, Cosey, Jewel and Mitta Eledge, Leota Esh. berger, Emily Colton, Nannie Calsee and Dorothy and Mickey Rosenthal; Joe Castese, Bruce Pearce, Bert Parson, Raymond Doyle, Er. nest and "Slim" Swafford and Victor Rosenthal. Mr. and Mrs.

Ashby McMullan and Mrs. Lee Henderson are in from the ranch, near Ozona, spending the week end at the Hender. son residence here. Miss Ethel Childress of Ozona is the week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Grady Mitcham.

This Winter Let Charles of the Ritz Guard Your Beauty It is easy to keep your skin lovely, smooth, fresh, young in spite of the ravages of winter's winds and cold. Let our Mrs. Lemons, specially-trained representative of Charles of the Ritz, famous New York beauty specialist, advise you. She is in charge of our Toiletries Shop. Consultation with her 1 is free of charge.

Robertaons Tolletries Shop THE MILITARY forces of the World War, the doctors who have made A study of modern laundry practice, and the scientists who have gone into the matter--they all agree that the laundry today delivers a bundle which is "Absolutely Sanitary." It must be so. Try--just one time--the most economical family Wash Service that money can buy-Rough-Dry at 8c a Pound The flat work is ironedThe needed starching done. Remember-Each Thursday and FridayDamp- Wash, 15 pounds Phones 4166-3111 Model Laundry Co. Standard-Times Classified Ads for Mr. and Mrs.

Archie Mittel were hosts at a buffet supper Friday, night at the home of Mrs. Mittel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Perry, 1215 South David. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gaddie, Mr. and Mrs.

J. C. O'Barr and Miss Moody Perry were guests. Mr. and Mrs.

Mittel are in from the ranch, near Sonora, for the week-end. A. M. Mothers To Meet The A. M.

Mothers' Club will meet in monthly session Friday afternoon at o'clock with Mrs. George Allen, 418 West Twohig Avenue. Mrs. Alma Alexander will be the assisting hostess. Clark Von Rosenberg, a junior in the University of Texas is spending the week end here with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. R. Von Rosenberg. Mr.

and Mrs. John A. Ward and little son, John Allen, from the ranch, near Sonora, are spending the week-end with Mrs. Ward's mother, Mrs. J.

A. Ward. Arno Group To Meet The evening group of the, Arno Art Club will meet Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the Jacobean room of the Hilton Hotel. The rise of painting in Holland will be studied with Miss Loucile Kelly as leader. The artist, Frans Hals, will be dis.

cussed, his life and works to be presented to the group. Mittels Supper Hosts Mrs. G. P. Russell returned home Friday from a week's stay in El Paso.

She was called there by the Illness of her niece, Mrs. D. R. Bar. nett.

Mrs. Barnett died Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Mae Harrison will return today from Christoval where she has been the last two weeks, a patient in the Rawls Hospital there. 4 "It Seems GOOD to Be Going to CHURCH Again!" FOLKS who somehow feel incomplete find that regular church attendance fills the gap.

They find that in joining with their friends at church on the Sabbath they achieve a new sense of well-being, and enrich their lives a hundred-fold. Perhaps you also have wondered what it is you are missing. COME TO CHURCH TODAY Home Results Th Kay witl De tab the foll wol Sco Mri lis Thi Jot Cla Mi Jac bur Rai Ka J.1 Co Spi an res Va pol to en He Re 801 be ME.

San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.