Changelog/2024/August 6 (2025)


Hypixel SkyBlock 0.20.5 - Artist's Abode

Updated: 2024/August 6


Welcome to Hypixel SkyBlock Patch 0.20.5! As of today, Marco is no longer the Village’s only resident artist, with Vincent having moved into the Artist’s Abode! Read on to learn what exactly Vincent brings to the game and how he will help you express your decorative side!


  • 1 ► The Artist’s Abode
    • 1.1 ➥ Vincent’s Masterpiece
    • 1.2 ➥ Dye Rebalancing
    • 1.3 ➥ New Dyes!
    • 1.4 ➥ Other Changes to Dyes
    • 1.5 ➥ A Discussion about Dyes
  • 2 ► Other Changes
    • 2.1 Item Changes
    • 2.2 Dungeon Changes
    • 2.3 Mining Changes
    • 2.4 Misc. Changes
  • 3 ► Bug Fixes
    • 3.1 Item Fixes
    • 3.2 Enchantment Fixes
    • 3.3 Farming Fixes
    • 3.4 Mining Fixes
    • 3.5 Pet Fixes
    • 3.6 Achievement Fixes
    • 3.7 Misc. Fixes
    • 3.8 Typo Corner

► The Artist’s Abode[]

Found on the outskirts of the Village by the Colosseum, the Artist’s Abode is the new home of Vincent, a new addition to the Village’s bustling community! Vincent is an artist who is always busy working on his latest piece, and he prefers to paint with dyes!

Though dyes are indeed a relatively scarce resource elsewhere in SkyBlock, Vincent seems to always have them in plentiful supply. Maybe there is something to be learned from his mysterious ways..?

➥ Vincent’s Masterpiece[]

Somehow, as if by fate itself, Vincent always finds the exact materials he needs to create the masterpiece he has envisioned. Every SkyBlock Year, Vincent will decide which three dyes he will use in his latest work, with two of these dyes having their drop rates increased by 2x throughout the year and the third having its rates increased by a whopping 3x! All dyes are eligible to have their drop rates increased.

In addition to viewing his masterpiece, players who talk to Vincent may also view the Dye Compendium, which contains a list of each dye currently in the game, along with its obtainment methods and drop rates. If you’re feeling particularly generous, you can even donate a dye to Vincent in order to receive an accessory!The texture of your Bucket of Dye accessory depends upon which dye you donated to Vincent!

➥ Dye Rebalancing[]

As part of this update, we have done a pass on all existing dyes, analyzing their drop rates and their place within the game. As a result of this, we have adjusted the drop rates and sources of many dyes, some examples of which can be seen below.

  • Nyanza Dye
    • Was 1/2M from Sneaky Creepers
    • Now 1/1M from Mining Commissions.
  • Nadeshiko Dye
    • Was 1/8M from fishing in the Fairy Pond
    • Now 1/500k-1/100k will spawn as a pair in Superpairs, scaling with Superpairs type.
  • Cyclamen Dye
    • Was 1/100M from Mushroom Cows in the Mushroom Desert
    • Now 1/10M-1/250k from Crimson Isle mobs, scaling with mob difficulty.

Want the full list? Go and talk to Vincent to view the Dye Compendium!

➥ New Dyes![]

After taking a look at the currently available selection, Vincent decided things were looking a little…bleak. As such, he’s (somehow) come across a number of new dyes that are now available to all players!

  • Archfiend Dye → Drops if you can manage to roll a 7 on an Archfiend Dice or High Class Archfiend Dice. Feeling lucky?
  • Copper Dye → Drops from Garden Visitors
  • Dung Dye → Drops from Pests
  • Fossil Dye → Drops from the Fossil Excavator
  • Frostbitten Dye → Drops from Frozen Corpses
  • Jade Dye → Drops from the Crystal Nucleus
  • Livid Dye → Drops from Bedrock Chests on Master Mode Floor V
  • Matcha Dye → Drops from Revenant Horror
  • Mocha Dye → Drops from Brewing Potions
  • Pearlescent Dye → Drops from End Island Mobs
  • Pelt Dye → Drops from Trapper Animals
  • Periwinkle Dye → Drops from Runic Mobs
  • Secret Dye → Drops from Dungeon Secrets
  • Sangria Dye → Drops from Riftstalker Bloodfiend

➥ Other Changes to Dyes[]

  • Added a lobby-wide message that is sent whenever a player drops a dye of any kind.
  • Adjusted all dyes to now have the ‘LEGENDARY’ rarity.
  • Adjusted dye rates to now display as a rare number rather than a percentage chance in the Bestiary.
  • Adjusted fishing-related dyes so that they can still be obtained even with a 100% Sea Creature Chance.
  • Adjusted the hex color of the Midnight Dye to avoid it clashing with the Dark Purple Dye.
  • Adjusted the hex color of the Livid Dye.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Midnight Dye to not drop.
  • Removed NPC sell price from all dyes.

➥ A Discussion about Dyes[]

Want to get a bit of insight into how we approached this update and our goals for the future of dyes? Click the spoiler below to take a look!

The driving force behind this update was our desire to make dyes more accessible to the general player base while still maintaining their position as a particularly prestigious cosmetic type. As such, we first needed to assess what exactly we wanted to do with dyes - whether it was a matter of simply adjusting the numbers or something more complex:

Approaching the Issue of Content Relevancy

It is commonly known that many dyes are extremely rare. To give some specific context, many dyes have dropped less than 100 times over the last year, with some not even having dropped once.

While one simple way to make dyes drop more commonly would be to inflate the drop rates of all dyes across the game, it should first be noted that some already drop at a rare but consistent rate. For example, the Mango Dye (1/10M from cutting wood in The Park) has dropped 1,970 times within the last year, which equals out to slightly more than five times a day, whereas several other dyes drop significantly less often, despite having a higher drop chance on paper. For example, the Brick Red Dye (1/2M from killing Redstone Pigmen) has only dropped 118 times in the last year.

While a discussion can most certainly be had with regard to optimal rates for grinding towards these dyes, meaning these chances aren’t reflective of their true rarities (e.g., you can use a Treecapitator to roll for multiple Mango Dyes in the time it takes to kill a single Redstone Pigman), the more pertinent issue we would like to discuss is one of content relevancy with regard to dyes, causing some dyes to be far rarer than others despite having similar drop rates.

Let’s take a look at the two dyes previously mentioned:

  • The Mango Dye drops from cutting any tree in SkyBlock’s designated Foraging zone - The Park. Whether you need certain wood-related collection items or just want to level up your Foraging skill, chances are you’ll have spent a significant amount of time in The Park breaking logs and thus had a chance of dropping a Mango Dye.
  • The Brick Red Dye drops from Redstone Pigman, who are only found in a single zone on an early-game mining island. With redstone being easier to grind elsewhere, there is no reason to revisit the Pigmen’s Den outside of completing your Bestiary, and many players will only ever have spent a couple of minutes there.What we’re getting at here is that, while the Mango Dye drops from core content that has its own progression systems and related items, the Brick Red Dye drops from niche, early-game content, partially explaining its rarity while also illustrating two key issues with it:

1) The Pigmen’s Den, an area of the game that was designed as short, early-game content, now receives its own long-term grind. By grinding said content, you are hoping for a dye drop to make your time investment worthwhile, as you are not benefitting in other core areas of the game at a rate that cannot be easily surpassed on more later-stage islands, such as the Dwarven Mines (for Redstone) or Crimson Isle (for Combat XP)2) By grinding said early-game content, you are oftentimes competing for resources with early-game players.With these issues having now been identified, it is clear that something along the lines of simply buffing the Brick Red Dye’s drop rate from 1/2M to, let’s say, 1/500k would not solve the issue of players embarking upon long, fruitless grinds that frustrate themselves and sometimes inconvenience newer players.Targeting the Issue of Content RelevancyHaving explained the previous section in-depth, you’ll be glad to hear that this section is much simpler! To solve the Brick Red Dye’s problems, it is important to move it to a section of the game that satisfies the following criteria:

  • Rewards long-term time investment, so even if you don’t drop a dye you’ll have something to show for the time you put into that area of the game. Some examples can be found below:
  • Is a core part of SkyBlock that we want players to interact with on a long-term basis.Examples of areas of the game that satisfy these two criteria include areas like the Crystal Nucleus, Dungeons, and Slayers, where you’ll make significant progress within a large-scale area of the game with clearly mapped-out progression even if you don’t drop a dye. The Pigmen’s Den, as nice as it is, does not offer this same progression that rewards the time players invest, meaning that the question of whether your time investment was worth it or not ultimately comes down to the binary yes/no of “Did you drop a dye?”, since there are no other meaningful and measurable parameters of success, such as other rare drops or slayer XP.

As such, the decision was made to move the Brick Red Dye to Spider Slayer’s Tarantula Broodfather boss. Players grinding Spider Slayer now have another rare drop added to the pool, and players specifically hunting for the dye will gain Spider Slayer XP and sometimes drop other rare rewards, such as Flycatchers, while hunting for the dye, both of which makes time feel less “wasted” if that lucky dye doesn’t drop.While we focused on the Brick Red Dye in this specific explanation, you’ll come to notice that many dyes received similar changes, being moved from niche content without a meaningful progression system to something players interact with on a more frequent basis. Each specific slayer, dungeon secrets, the crystal nucleus, and more progression systems all now have a dye they can drop! The mechanic of Vincent’s Masterpiece, which makes three random dyes more common each year, will also satisfy the itch of dedicated dye grinders in a way that takes them through several areas of content as the optimal dyes change with each passing year, rather than having them complete the same content over, and over, and over.Thanks for reading, and we hope that provided you with a little bit of insight into our goals here. Please let us know if this was something you found useful.While we think the Artist’s Abode is a much-needed change to make dyes more accessible for players without dragging them away with the core Hypixel SkyBlock experience, we will keep our eyes on how many dyes are dropping over the coming months and, if any of them aren’t dropping quite as frequently as we’d like, you can expect to see some further changes made, numbers-wise. Until then, we hope you enjoy the Artist’s Abode!

► Other Changes[]

Item Changes[]

  • Added a Peridot gemstone slot to the Melon and Pumpkin dicers.
  • Chum buckets can now be picked up without an empty hand.
    • You can also now directly craft full Chum Buckets!
  • Flipped the order of gemstone slots on Pendant of Divan to match other Divan items.
  • The gemstone slots on the Dark Claymore have been changed from Jasper Gemstone Slots to Combat Gemstone Slots.
  • The default enchantments on the Fancy Sword have been replaced with a new ability, “Bejeweled Blade,” that deals +150% while on Mining Islands.
  • The Shadow Warp scroll/ability now displays the amount of damage it’s projected to deal.

Dungeon Changes[]

  • Bomb Defuse has been removed as a dungeon puzzle.
  • In addition, we're planning to make the following adjustments:
    • The floor requirements of some puzzles have been adjusted as follows:
      • Higher or Lower: Floor 2 → Floor 3
      • Ice Fill: Floor 3 → Floor 7
    • Ice Fill has been adjusted to reward two blessing chests instead of one.
    • These changes will come live soon.

Mining Changes[]

  • Added a Pet Rule for entering the Glacite Tunnels.
  • Added name above Divan Alloy drop and fireworks when picked up.
  • Citrine, Onyx, Aquamarine, and Peridot Gemstones now take 2 fuel to mine.
  • Disallowed using an Ascension Rope when currently in the process of using one.
  • Fred will stop complaining about “bad signal” when you call him on your abiphone if you fixed all of the fairy relays.
  • Improved Deep Cavern zone discovery messages.
  • Pickaxe ability cooldown now resets when entering a Glacite Mineshaft.
  • Redstone Pigman will now aggro the player if they mined 10 redstone ore (instead of being based off of how much redstone you mined).
    • They now also forgive the player if they leave the Pigman’s Den zone.
  • Reforge stones for pickaxes & drills now mention they can also be applied to drills.
  • Removed a configuration sign and a stray block of bedrock in the Crystal Hollows.

Misc. Changes[]

  • Added /setmaxspeed command to change Rancher's Boots speed without having to take them off.
  • Added a button in Bazaar to claim all coins from all sell orders.
  • Added a new dialogue line to Billy Joe explaining that accessories still work when in your accessory bag.
  • Added a Salvage Menu option to Spider, Dragon, Gold, and Diamond essence shop NPCs.
  • Added an explanation in the Golden Dragon pet description to explain the various perk caps.
  • Added some base farming fortune to each vacuum.
  • Added Worm Membrane to Fishing Sack.
  • Adjusted the description of T5 Revenant Slayer to clarify that the slayer is immune to Magic Damage.
  • Adjusted the zone colors in the Power Stone Guide.
  • Blazes spawned from Bal now have the name Bald Blazes.
  • Igrupan can now be added as an abiphone contact after completing his questline.
  • Improved Master Mode toggle button requirements text to be consistent with other requirement warnings.
  • Improved the Museum item donation and retrieval messages.
  • Items now say Ability instead of Item Ability.
  • Killing Pests in the Garden now reduces time until next visitor by 30 seconds.
  • Moved farming axes from Weapons to Tools/Misc category in Auction House.
  • Non-base stats on a pet are no longer reflected directly on the pet (stats granted from pet perks and from pet items).
    • This change is so that these stats are not implied to be affected by the Chimera ultimate enchant and Minos Relic pet item.
  • Removed the largest size slime from Slimehill.
  • Renamed Extra Farming Fortune to Extra Farming Drops in the SkyBlock Guide.
  • Repellant status (whether it’s active) has now been added to the pests widget (Garden widget).
  • The daily buy limit for Blaze Powder has been removed from the Alchemist.
  • The rabbit house (house behind Hoppity) is now a properly defined zone.
  • The requeue messages for instanced content (Dungeons, Kuudra) has been improved.
  • The sell price of the mythic Snowman pet has been adjusted to 2m coins.
  • The summary message when you sell a pet to George has been improved to provide details of what pet was sold and for what price.
  • Tier 5 slayer boss completions now award 2 Combat Wisdom per boss slayed (instead of… none).
  • Updated Carnival Fisherman dialogue to not say you need to supply your own fishing rod.
  • Updated the descriptions for the following accessories to be more concise:
    • Feather Ring
    • Feather Artifact
    • Potion Affinity Talisman
    • Experience Artifact
  • You can no longer send trade requests to players playing Carnival minigames (and vice versa).
  • You can now shoot the Spirit Bow (Floor 4, Thorns boss fight) even if you have no arrows.
  • Your rewards from a nucleus run are now nicely displayed in chat!

► Bug Fixes[]

Item Fixes[]

  • Fixed Auger Rod breaking ice in Glacite Mineshafts.
  • Fixed Daedalus and Raiders Axe not displaying coin gain properly in scoreboard.
  • Fixed formatting on Recall Potions to show a readable location.
  • Fixed God Potions missing a rarity tag.
  • Fixed Golden Bounty being applicable to Fishing Rods.
  • Fixed Golden Bounty showing up as a modifier option when inputting a Terminator.
  • Fixed Jax’s Arrow Swapper showing ‘Right click for more trading options’ on the tooltip.
  • Fixed Jerry-chine Gun’s description not applying the correct mana cost reduction if enchanted with Ultimate Wise.
  • Fixed Machine Gun Shortbows obtained from Floor 1 having an outlier in their strength stat.
  • Fixed Mana Disintegrators not working on the Staff Of The Rising Sun despite it being a wand.
  • Fixed Midas Staff ability not working on Magma Cube Riders.
  • Fixed Phantom Rods being able to pull other people's Shiny Pigs.
  • Fixed Power Scrolls being applicable on Eggolocators.
  • Fixed Shadow Assassin armor stacking more strength than it was supposed to.

Enchantment Fixes[]

  • Fixed the Cleave enchantment being able to damage Shiny Pigs.
  • Fixed Scavenger and Efficiency not displaying level increase by items like the Silex or Golden Bounty in the Enchantment Guide.
  • Fixed Thunderlord enchantment apply costs.

Farming Fixes[]

  • Fixed Personal Bests in Jacob's Contests not updating if the player is not online when the contest ends.
  • Fixed pests spawning in non-cleaned plots.

Mining Fixes[]

  • Fixed HotM powder buff not working on Glacite Maniacs.
  • Fixed Mineral Armor/Glossy Mineral Armor not working on Red Sand and Mycelium.
  • Fixed Treasure Chests not spawning near the bedrock barrier in Crystal Hollows.

Pet Fixes[]

  • Fixed inconsistency with number coloring in Pigman pet's description.
  • Fixed mountable pets impeding other players by disabling them in the Carnival area.
  • Fixed pets not updating their stats correctly when the Fishing Festival starts.

Achievement Fixes[]

  • Fixed Domesticator achievements to use Roman numerals like other achievements.
  • Fixed Festive Altruist achievement not incrementing it’s tally.
  • Updated Always Sunny in SkyBlock achievement to reference the Garden Time menu.
  • Fixed wrong apostrophe being used in Ring Ring... Who's this?, and Should've stayed cool achievements.

Misc. Fixes[]

  • Fixed a cheesing method for the Leech Supreme fight.
  • Fixed abilities being able to damage Shiny Pigs.
  • Fixed Beacon Jump Boost and Haste constantly trying to override God Potion effects.
  • Fixed being able to drop Carnival minigame items.
  • Fixed being able to kill the chicken in Gulliver’s Chicken Race.
  • Fixed being able to pick up other players dirt rod loot.
  • Fixed being able to place Bottles of Jyrre in Brewing Stands.
  • Fixed being able to see votes for hidden elections while in Dungeons.
  • Fixed being sometimes left with an empty page when removing a pet from your pets menu.
  • Fixed being unable to launch a Bat Firework if you have an Events Sack in your inventory.
  • Fixed being unable to open Porhtal eye's menu after defeating Bacte.
  • Fixed bestiary credit not being awarded for hidden Jerrys that you spawned if you didn’t hit them.
  • Fixed Bingo Powder Collection Quest allowing players to go over the required amount but not awarding them.
  • Fixed certain items in the bazaar stacking the wrong amount.
  • Fixed Crux accessory not updating when killing Crux enemies.
  • Fixed enchanted sacks have inconsistent description styles.
  • Fixed Hoppity’s shop sometimes having less than 7 rabbits available.
  • Fixed inconsistent rewards lore for Jacob’s Tickets.
  • Fixed incorrect coloring of + in Necron's Blade swords.
  • Fixed Jerry's Workshop Raid not ending properly, leading to negative Magma Cubes left and not receiving proper rewards.
  • Fixed Lost Bottles of Jyrre being reset after leaving The Rift.
  • Fixed map items not loading when joining private island.
  • Fixed ministers showing up as candidates in the next election.
    • Ministers affected by Long Term Investment will still show up in the next election.
  • Fixed players not receiving the full exp amount from a pet training session.
  • Fixed Reforges in the Hex not showing their descriptions.
  • Fixed text color inconsistency in Mathematical Hoe descriptions.
  • Fixed the Christmas tree in the hub being cut off by Travelling Zoo stands.
  • Fixed Shiny Pig loot not going into sacks.
  • Fixed some areas of the Blacksmith showing up as the Coal Mine in the scoreboard.
  • Fixed using the Lantern item on pressure plates causing redstone torches to drop.
  • Fixed wooden pillars in front of Carnival being mineable.

Typo Corner[]

  • Added missing period for God Potions with a mixin.
  • Added missing text in Crafted Minions Menu.
  • Fixed a typo in bazaar insta-sell/buy menu.
  • Fixed a typo in Carnival leaderboards.
  • Fixed a typo in Carnival Leader’s dialogue.
  • Fixed a typo in EXP Share’s item description.
  • Fixed a typo in forge error message.
  • Fixed a typo in Fruit Digging game message.
  • Fixed a typo in HOTM perk upgrade.
  • Fixed capitalization for various quest item descriptions.
  • Fixed incorrect plurality of Star Sentry in commission.
  • Fixed Rift Gallery teleporter text inconsistency.
  • Removed unneeded decimal in Blue Whale's Bulk perk.
Changelog/2024/August 6 (2025)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 5944

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.